WMS Counseling

Counseling Resources Page

Individual and Group Counseling

- A solution-focused approach is used with all students

- Tiered counseling supports are available as needed with follow up and additional supports

Social-Emotional-Learning and Character

- Schoolwide,  quarterly Character Traits will be focused on and lessons provided in advisory. Students will learn about the characteristics as well as be able to earn a reward at the end of each month if they are noted as demonstrating this trait. 

Student Services Coordinator (SSC)

- The SSC serves as a point of contact to address student needs and assure every student has access to a free and appropriate public education. The SSC oversees Special Education supports the development and implementation of individualized plans, and coordinates resources within the school and community.


Response to Intervention (RtI)

- Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tiered approach that strives to ensure that all students receive necessary supports to meet their full potential from a learning and behavioral standpoint. These tiered supports will be different for each student, as no two are the same. Lori Ching will meet weekly with each grade level to discuss the progress of all haumana and determine what added supports could be provided.

Parent/Guardian Role and FERPA

- Please keep in touch! If your phone number or email changes, or mailing address, please let the office know so we can keep in contact.

- Many meetings require the parent or guardian to be present in order to give permission to make decisions on the services provided to your keiki. If, however, you are unable to attend a meeting, please contact the office 887-6090 Ext 222 and we can work together to ensure the supports can continue with your permission.

Family Resource Information: