Quick Tip

School Messenger Quick Tip

Waimea Middle School SchoolMessenger Quick Tip allows you to submit an anonymous tip to school officials. Please select "Waimea Middle Charter School" as the School and the then select a Topic when submitting your tip.


What is Quick Tip?

The Quick Tip feature provides a simple tipline allowing members of the community to communicate about pressing issues in a truly anonymous way.

Tips are sent using a form available online at the Waimea Middle School SchoolMessenger Quick Tip URL. When sending a tip, please select "Waimea Middle Charter School" in the School drop down field, the topic which best describes the tip, and then enter the tip message. If they have an image related to the tip, you have the option of attaching it to your message. When submitting your tip you may include contact information if you choose to do so. Once  tips are submitted, Waimea Middle School authorized users can use the School Messenger system to view the submitted tip.

The following screenshot shows an example Quick Tip submission form.